Privacy Policy


Personal Data Controller – a natural or legal person, public authority, individual or other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of personal data processing (Article 4(7) of GDPR).

Personal Data – information on an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject) (Article 4(1) of GDPR).

Personal Data Inspector – a person who is responsible for compliance with the regulations on personal data protection in the Company (Articles 37–39 of GDPR).

Processing – any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction (Article 4(2) of GDPR).

GDPR – the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal EU L 119, p.1).

User – a person who entrusts the Controller with his or her Personal Data, among others: client, investor, person interested in the purchase of shares or bonds.


Personal Data Controller. Personal Data Inspector

The Personal Data Controller is Prodigo spółka akcyjna with its registered office in Wrocław, Al. Śląska 1, 54-114 Wrocław, Poland, National Court Register (KRS): (hereinafter: 'Company’ or 'Controller’).

A Personal Data Inspector has been appointed in the Company to supervise compliance with data protection regulations in the Company. Contact with the Personal Data Inspector:
By mail to the address:
Al. Śląska 1,
54-118 Wrocław



Recognizing the importance of personal data protection and taking care to fulfil the obligations which are the basis for the implementation of the GDPR in the European legal order, the Controller, who is the head of the PRODIGO Capital Group, has introduced a number of organizational and technical solutions which ensure data integrity, adequacy and confidentiality. The operations of each of the entities are focused on reliable, transparent and lawful processing of personal data.
Recognizing the importance of personal data protection and taking care to fulfil the obligations which are the basis for the implementation of the GDPR in the European legal order, the Controller, who is the head of the PRODIGO Capital Group, has introduced a number of organizational and technical solutions which ensure data integrity, adequacy and confidentiality. The operations of each of the entities are focused on reliable, transparent and lawful processing of personal data.
The controller strives to continuously improve the procedures established so far through ongoing analysis and monitoring of events that might potentially threaten the security of the processed data, implementing, if necessary, additional tools to improve their protection.

Purpose and Basis for Personal Data Processing

Personal data is processed in accordance with the regulations on personal data protection for the purpose and to the extent necessary to conduct business, mutual communication, creation and maintenance of investor relations, including the marketing of services provided by the companies, as well as the execution of production and commercial orders. Personal data is also processed for the purpose of fulfilling the Prodigo Capital Group’s obligations under the law, as well as for the purposes resulting from legitimate interests pursued by the Controller. The basis for the processing of Personal Data may be an individual consent of the client, expressed by undertaking contact with a representative of one of the companies belonging to the PRODIGO Capital Group, by filling in the contact form available on the website or by signing a contract or submitting or accepting an offer. Personal data may also be transferred by natural persons as a result of a telephone or email contact in order to settle a specific case, in which case the basis for data processing is the Controller’s legitimate interest in the need to handle the reported case. Another source of obtaining Personal Data may be the provision of business cards, exchange of information at industry events or business meetings, also based on the Controller’s legitimate interest, where the purpose of networking in connection with the business activity. In addition, the Controller processes Personal Data for archiving transactions and cases, having regard in particular to the possibility of pursuing overdue payments or raising other claims, including defending its rights in case of judicial, administrative or similar proceedings against the Controller.

Type of Processed Data

In event of contact through the form available via the website, the Controller processes the following Personal Data:
a) first name and surname
b) contact phone
c) email address
d) IP number

In the case of building and maintaining investor relations, the Controller also processes:
a) PESEL (personal ID No.)/NIP (tax ID No.)
b) date of birth
c) type, number and series of identity document
d) bank account number
e) address for correspondence and accommodation
f) nationality
g) type, number, series of shares or bonds


Period of Personal Data Processing

Personal Data rendered available to the companies of the Prodigo Capital Group are stored for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes of the agreements concluded, orders placed and offers accepted.
If processing takes place on the basis of consent, Personal Data is processed until it is withdrawn or until you object to a specific method of data processing. The Controller reserves the right to continue to store Personal Data only to the extent, for the period and for the purpose of pursuing possible claims before a court, or if national or EU or international law obliges the Controller to do so.

Data Access and User Rights

In connection with entrusting the Personal Data Controller, each User has the following rights:

  1. the right to request access to your own Personal Dat – at any time you have the right to obtain information about the categories of Personal Data stored, as well as the purposes, sources and duration of their storage
  2. the right to request the correction of Personal Data – each User has the right to request incorrect Personal Data be corrected and incomplete Personal Data be amended,
  3. the right to demand the deletion of Personal Data – each User may demand the deletion of Personal Data in a situation where it is not necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, the consent to its processing has been withdrawn or there are no other legal grounds for its processing
  4. the right to demand a restriction of the processing of Personal Data – each User has the right to demand a restriction of the processing of his or her own Personal Data if he or she contests its correctness; the restriction takes place for a period enabling the verification of its correctness
  5. the right to transfer Personal Data – each User has the right to obtain a copy of his or her Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and readable format
  6. the right to object to the processing of Personal Data
  7. the right to withdraw consent to the processing of Personal Data
  8. the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office as the supervisory authority dealing with the protection of personal data.strong>

Personal Data Access and Sharing

The Controller shall not render Personal Data available to unrelated entities, unauthorized persons or third parties, except for entities providing services to the Controller on the basis of separate agreements, in particular to suppliers responsible for the operation of IT systems and entities providing courier and postal services
The Controller shall provide Personal Data to the entities referred to above only to the extent necessary for the provision of services by these parties to the Controller and when they meet the standards for the processing of Personal Data and security.
In certain cases, the Controller may disclose Personal Data to employees or associates of the Controller’s subsidiaries and companies related to the Controller, either personally or in terms of capital, which are part of the PRODIGO Capital Group.
The Controller also reserves the right to disclose selected information concerning the User to the relevant authorities or to third parties who request such information
if necessary and resulting from the provisions of applicable law.


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Consent to Data Processing and updates


If you do not agree to the processing or use of your data in accordance with these data protection provisions in their entirety or in relation to individual operations, you may object via email to the following address: or by regular mail (registered mail) to the address of the Controller.
The Controller reserves the right to change and update the Privacy Policy, and the latest version
will always be available on the Controller’s website. The Controller will, via this website, inform each time about changes in the content of the Privacy Policy, in particular about changes concerning the purpose for which the Personal Data is used, the contact details of the Data Protection Inspector or the User’s rights.